Anna Kate Smith
"This is me; this is what I am all about!"
I am 16 years old. I was elected as the Junior Christian Education Director of the Congregational Holiness Church this past November. I am going to be a Junior at Bowdon High School. I play the clarinet in band and I played the keyboard in jazz band this past year. I love to read. I like to make stuff too. Like sewing and DIY things. I love that! I absolutely love my friends! Every single last one of em! They are great!!! I like to talk on the phone, internet... pretty much anywhere! Welp that's me.
Church is what I live for! I don't know what I would do without my God. He's brought me through a lot! And I thank him so much for it. My main goal in life is to be a light to as many people as possible. That's why I have some of the convictions I have, because I know that living for God we can make it through! I'm glad that I am holiness!!!! It's so great to be able to feel the spirit! I love it!!!!!!
My dad is a preacher and the North Alabama District Commander of Royal Rangers. My step-mom, Tina, is a stay at home mom, and teaches some classes at the Technical College. My little brother, Tubby, is four. He's a mess! He gets on my nerves... but ain't that what he's here for? lol But I do love him a lot! I love my whole family a lot! We get along pretty well... most of the time. We do have our ups and downs but God is with us always. I just thank God for a Christian home.
Hey to ALL my friends. I love everyone of you and you mean the world to me. If you every need any one to talk to know that I am here for you and will always be. And thanks for y'all who have been there for me! I love you with all my heart... but above all always remember that God loves you the most!